Someone left a comment the other day describing her body and asking for my advice about her body shape. This is not at all unusal for this site and I’m delighted to help in any way I can.
What annoyed me was that she said “…I can pretty much wear whatever i want, but I just need to know my body shape.”
If you have no issue with clothes you have no reason to know your body shape. It’s the shape that it is.
As far as I’m concerned body shape is only an aid to help you choose clothes that work for you. Choosing clothes for some women is a minefield and having a clear idea of what will and won’t work is actually really helpful. Defining your shape is the first step on that path.
Defining your body shape is not about giving yourself a reason to feel superior to others or beat up on yourself.
If your clothes suit your shape you won’t be fighting with them and let me tell you the absence of a tight wasitband or a huge wedgie can really improve the course of your whole day! More than that, if your clothes are comfortable, both physically and emotionally, you’re more confident, more able to focus and get about whatever you’re doing.
You are the shape that you are and its got nothing to do with anyone else what-so-ever. So for all you people who’re going – oh I’m an hourglass or I’m a… whatever you think is good, better, best, I say so what?
I’m a mother. I’m a partner. I’m an employee. I’m a blogger. I’m a particular body shape but that defines me as much and as little as all the other facets of my life and frankly is no ones business but mine. And maybe my boyfriend, if he’s being nice.
So if you’re looking for or wanting to make body judgements I don’t want any part of it. If you’re wanting a word with someone who might be able to give you a hand, I’m happy to help.
But maybe I’ve got the wrong end of the stick here. Tell me what you think? Why are you looking to define your shape?