I have this dream. It’s a dream where everybody can actually be the person that they are and connect with other people who’re being who they are and we can all just be ourselves! Together. And have fun doing it. And maybe just change the world a little bit at the same time.
The wonderful thing about this dream is that there are actually quite a lot of other people out there who are thinking the same thing. Case in point this wonderful article on xoJane titled 14 Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls, So I Will. There’s some wonderful stuff in this article but one point in particular that was made was
Wearing whatever you want is a political statement. Join the revolution. Throw style rules out the window. Wear the tutu. Wear the horizontal stripes. Wear the turquoise skinny jeans. Wear the see-through blouse. Wear the bikini. Wear the sweat pants. Wear the shirt that says “Does this shirt make me look fat?” Wear whatever it is that makes you happy. This is your life.
Yes! Yes, yes and oh my god yes!
I’ve been compiling a board on Pinterest (follow me on Pinterest!) with pictures of fabulously dressed (in my opinion of course) plus size women. I did that to get used to looking at plus size women, women who look like me.
One thing I notice is that these women don’t observe any rules. This business of body shape and style rules, things I’ve compiled here on this blog, things like, avoid skinny jeans if your legs are fat, are just thrown to the wolves. Instead these women wear what makes them feel good and expresses who they are and what they want to say. And it looks fabulous!
And that’s the real difference. Style is about confidence, it’s about making a statement about who you are, your influences and your passions. It’s about being yourself, regardless of your size, shape or colour, in a world that may or may not approve of you. And not giving a damn about that.
For those of us who’re not actually confident enough to make any statement other than “don’t look at me” the rules are a way to save money on buying clothes and dress in a way that’s at least marginally comfortable.
For those who don’t give a damn, and I’m pleased to say I’m getting there, then rules are to be disregarded in favour of passion and fun and just simple delight in the world.
And that, more than some rules about how to look thinner and more balanced, is what style is all about.